Lucas Says:

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Linux Graphic Drivers


Installing a graphics driver nearly defeated me. In Linux, to do something as rudimentary as installing a driver for your graphics card (GeForce2 in my case), you have to download the source code for the kernel of the operating system so that the driver can compile a whole new kernel. Then you have to go into a configuration file and manually change what resolutions you can set the monitor too.

Yeah, I can't blame you for skimming that paragraph. It's crap. And it's even more complicated than it sounds. As a result, Monday and Tuesday nights I had to, exhausted, force myself to give up and go to bed at 4am after having seemingly made no progress.

But no longer! I finally succeded using questionable methods, but I got the job done. Someday, I hope for the name Uj to no longer be synonymous with the Total System Meltdown of a computer.

The next major goal: to successfully transfer files from my Windows (secondary) machine to this one.

But not tonight.


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