Lucas Says:

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The Decemberists - Castaways and Cutouts

A recommendation from G. Downen led to the purchase of this album. The two tracks he sent me indicated that a world of 1800's-esque rock and roll existed beyond the shores of Pinataland. Here's what I discovered.

Pinataland sticks to one musical style (they bill themselves as brooklyn's finest dark old-world five piece rock orchestrette), though the subject matter of their songs, while sticking to real-world events, may occur in the past (generally 1800-1950) or in one case a future that didn't happen. The Decemberists instead allow their sound to bleed from the old-world sound into straight-up indie rock from song to song.

However, it is in the lyrics that the strongest differences lie. And my complaints. The Decemberists, much like Modest Mouse, have an incredible morbid streak in them. For example, the first track of the disc is about the premature birth and subsequent death of a child by a preumably too-young mother. Yeah. And I am torn, because it is that track that most perfectly hits the depression-era sound which I crave.

And man do I love that upright bass.

This is, having looked it up just now, their first full-length album. More exist, which I will be more than willing to give a try to, in time. Because I wish to join the Youth and Beauty Brigade.


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