Friday, I got the call from UMASS Worcester, my first choice. I'm in.
This of course after the deadline for replying to Simmons and Regis. A couple weeks ago I called to ask for a deadline extension at both places, for though the Worcester interview went very well, I didn't want to get unlucky and be left out in the cold.
So I called Simmons first, since they remarked in the acceptance letter that extensions may be granted in the case of pending financial aid info. Since I hadn't realized until then that Simmons was an exception and I had to fill out FAFSA byt he time of application, I felt justified in using that as a reason, since my financial aid was indeed
Hahaha. Such jerks. I got shuffled around a bit, until I was talking to something like the Dean in Charge of Everything, who must have been handed the phone with the impression that I was a scam artist trying to hold them hostage. She was very adamant that if, in the unlikely event that they did decide to grant an extension on my decision, they could in no way guarantee my acceptance would still be honored. How the... what qualifies that as an extension. I was told that there are 40 accepted students, and that they had already received 39 deposits. I told them they'd have their decision by the end of the week.
While I was filling out the letter of rejecting Simmons, I called Regis, and they politely told me they do not grant extensions, but if absolutely necessary I could send in the deposit, and then turn them down.
So, I'm down one Regis deposit, but in the grand scheme, that's nothing compared to the total cost difference between it and UMass. And after Vanderbilt, I'm more than a little cynical about what that extra tuition really buys. and after the interview the Worcester people sounded genuinely interested in having me, as a student, which is very appealing.
Of course this is all nothing compared to having a
volunteer job as a law student that could potentially change public policy toward breast implants.