Lucas Says:

Friday, April 29, 2005


This came up a while ago while Nathan and I were watching Resident Evil 2, during which some shots were fired into a crowd which may have contained zombies. It was the government doing the firing, and the crowd also happened to contain civilians. Some of the characters (good guys) were surprised that live ammunition was being fired. But zombies really don't care if you're shooting blanks at them. They just want to eat your delicious brains. They'll call your bluff.

Since then, you would not imagine the number of times it has seemed appropriate for us to repeat the lesson we learned from that movie. You'd think it would not be something that's widely applicable.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


An here I am banking on other people having heard of the anecdote wherein some bigwig at a dinner interview decided not to hire someone simply because they salted/peppered their food before they tried it. I have been told this story several times because I do not salt or pepper my food at all.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Sin Psychology

This kind of crap happens all the time when humans are involved.

Anyways, I saw Sin City yesterday. Can you tell? Hopefully you can.

Friday, April 22, 2005


Linux gave me serious trouble this morning. Acted very virus-y. Took some hard reboots. If something goes wrong in linux, it's dead, I wouldn't even begin to know what to do.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Crudboard, Linux

The Crudboard is back, hosted on some other server.

The Linux project has seriously stalled. I've got a new book that I had hoped to read parts of and pick up where I left off with the more basic book. But, through the process of [still] trying to get my Linux and Windows machines to talk, it has become clear that I will have to read this [very long] book from the start. Daunting, so it won't happen until after the Trek tournaments at the end of the month.

If reading the book doesn't help my understanding of how to use Linux, then I give up. I would simply need to be a computer science major to have the necessary background, and that's too much for my needs. I'll just get a Mac or something.

Or become a luddite.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


I've been making things like this for just about ever. I just really like drawing Star Trek space ships.

Monday, April 18, 2005


I think I'm settling into a 3 day a week MWF thing for these. I've got a buffer that way, since I'm producing them faster than that currently. I've noticed a tendency to go for the interesting visual over the wordy joke, largely because that's exactly what I couldn't do with loop comics. I don't know if it works. Please, avail yourselves of the comments, kind readers, for I require your feedback.

Saturday, April 16, 2005


Friday, I got the call from UMASS Worcester, my first choice. I'm in.

This of course after the deadline for replying to Simmons and Regis. A couple weeks ago I called to ask for a deadline extension at both places, for though the Worcester interview went very well, I didn't want to get unlucky and be left out in the cold.

So I called Simmons first, since they remarked in the acceptance letter that extensions may be granted in the case of pending financial aid info. Since I hadn't realized until then that Simmons was an exception and I had to fill out FAFSA byt he time of application, I felt justified in using that as a reason, since my financial aid was indeed pending.

Hahaha. Such jerks. I got shuffled around a bit, until I was talking to something like the Dean in Charge of Everything, who must have been handed the phone with the impression that I was a scam artist trying to hold them hostage. She was very adamant that if, in the unlikely event that they did decide to grant an extension on my decision, they could in no way guarantee my acceptance would still be honored. How the... what qualifies that as an extension. I was told that there are 40 accepted students, and that they had already received 39 deposits. I told them they'd have their decision by the end of the week.

While I was filling out the letter of rejecting Simmons, I called Regis, and they politely told me they do not grant extensions, but if absolutely necessary I could send in the deposit, and then turn them down.

So, I'm down one Regis deposit, but in the grand scheme, that's nothing compared to the total cost difference between it and UMass. And after Vanderbilt, I'm more than a little cynical about what that extra tuition really buys. and after the interview the Worcester people sounded genuinely interested in having me, as a student, which is very appealing.

Of course this is all nothing compared to having a volunteer job as a law student that could potentially change public policy toward breast implants.

Friday, April 15, 2005


Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Plan Theory

Monday, April 11, 2005


Thursday, April 07, 2005

You're Dumber Than a Box of Rocks

I've had this idea floating around in my head for a while. The original plan was to set up a real box of rocks and photograph it with a paper with a big red A+, and pose someone with a paper with a big D-. The person would be posed much as the guy in the drawing is, and would be silouhetted to protect the innocent.

And then I realized that I could just draw it. Although I may set up the box and person in the future. That sounds like fun.

Anyways, I've been doing these doodles at work, and this seems like the perfect outlet for them. Expect more.

Isn't that a marketing slogan?