For the next couple of weeks I'm going to be travelling a bit, so the update consistencyt here may get kind of weird. I've uploaded the next 3 comics to my folder so that all I need to do is post them to the blog while I'm on the road, but there's a chance I won't even be able to do that. So, if you are the impatient type, you can go hunting for them in the folder, but they'll get posted eventually.
Also of note, Bryce remarked that "everyone else's blog sucks." While I take that it as the compliment it was intended as, I would like to point people to Aaron's new blog,
The Lazy Skeptic. He's putting time and effort into it, and it shows. A word of warning though: it looks like he's only done one post, but that's just because of the way he has it set up. To see previous posts you have to click on the archives or something.